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    Research Progress on Identification of PAHs-Degrading Bacteria and Bioremediation of PAHs-Contaminated Soil

    • 摘要: 多環芳烴(PAHs)是有毒有機汙染物,具有致突變🚵🏽、致畸和致癌性作用,廣泛存在於被汙染的土壤環境中,對人類健康構成了嚴重威脅🔌。生物強化(BA)是一種經濟有效的去除土壤中PAHs的環境修復技術,篩選和識別能夠降解PAHs的功能菌是該技術研發與應用的首要任務。綜述了富集培養法和穩定同位素探針(SIP)技術對PAHs降解功能微生物發掘的研究進展🫳🏽,分析了BA修復技術應用局限及對應策略,以期為BA技術進步與應用推廣提供借鑒與參考。


      Abstract: Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are toxic organic pollutants with mutagenic, teratogenic, and carcinogenic properties. They are widely distributed in soil environment and pose significant hazards to human health through constant exposure. Bioaugmentation (BA) is considered to be an environmentally-friendly and cost-effective environmental remediation technology to remove PAHs from the soil. Screening and identifying functional bacteria that can degrade PAHs is the primary task of the development and application of this technology. The research progress of enrichment culturing method and stable isotope probing (SIP) technology for the discovery of PAHs degrading functional microorganisms was reviewed and the limitations and corresponding strategies of BA remediation technology were discussed, with a view to providing a comprehensive reference for the progress and application of BA technology.



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