

Difference of Electrical Parameters of Concrete in Saline and Alkali Environment

  • 摘要: 為了更好地研究鹽堿地區混凝土內部介質腐蝕情況🙌🏻,構建了不同離子、不同離子濃度的混凝土及鋼筋混凝土模型試驗💘,以清水試塊為對照組📆,用巖石標本測試儀配合巖石標本測試架測量自然養護條件下在養護期內(28 d)試塊的電阻率🤓、極化率,對各試塊所測值采用SPSS軟件進行單因素方差分析,考察各混凝土電性參數差異性。結果表明🚵🏼:在顯著性α=0.05時,不論是混凝土試塊還是鋼筋混凝土試塊👩🏻‍🎤,清水拌和試塊與各溶液拌和試塊之間的電阻率差異性不完全顯著,但清水拌和試塊的極化率與各溶液拌和試塊的極化率差異性顯著👃🏻;溶液拌和試塊之間的極化率差異性不完全顯著🧔🏿‍♀️,溶液拌和試塊的電阻率之間的差異性不完全顯著。因此可用極化率參數分辨混凝土試塊是否受離子侵蝕🍅,采用極化率參數探測混凝土被鹽堿侵蝕情況是可行的。


    Abstract: In order to better study the corrosion of concrete internal medium in the saline alkali area, the concrete and reinforced concrete model tests with different ions and different ion concentrations were constructed. Taking the clear water test block as the control group, the resistivity and polarizability of the test block in the maintenance period (28 days) were measured by the rock specimen tester and the rock specimen test frame, the one-way ANOVA for the measured values of each test block was carried out using SPSS software, and the differences in electrical parameters of each concrete were investigated. The results show that at the level of significance (α=0.05), the difference of resistivity between the water mixed test block and the solution mixed test block is not entirely significant, but the difference between the water mixed test block and the solution mixed test block is significant; the difference between the solution mixed test block and the solution mixed test block is not entirely significant, and the difference between the resistivity of liquid mixing test block is not completely significant. Therefore, the polarizability parameter can be used to distinguish whether the concrete test block is eroded by ions, and it is feasible to use the polarizability parameter to detect the erosion of concrete by salt and alkali.



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