

Prospects of Aromatic Nanomaterials

  • 摘要: 香料香精廣泛應用於食品、紡織、皮革🧑🏽‍⚖️、造紙和化妝品等領域, 目前香氣怡人且長效芳香產品技術的研發已成為國際熱點.本課題組圍繞納米香料與多孔纖維材料協同作用機製關鍵科學問題, 獲得納米香料香精、芳香皮革♻️、芳香絲綢和芳香壁紙等產品, 從而全方位實現技術-產品-標準3大引領的研究成果和設想, 服務於行業的可持續發展.


    Abstract: Fragrance and flavor have been widely applied in food, textile, leather, paper, cosmetic and detergents. The long released aromatic products have attracted more attention in the world. The key scientific problem of the function mechanism bet ween nano fragrance and fiber materials has been focused. Through this project, the large-scale preparation of fragrance nanocapsules can be extended. And the aroma synergism and long release property of the aromatic productions can be primarily resolved. Therefore, the three guides of technology-production-standards of fragrance nanocapsules and aromatic fiber productions should be realized.



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